Alternative staff work at your workplace, at our main office in Berkeley, and at their home offices in California and a few other states. Now, many of us are worker-owners of Alternative, since our 2022 conversion to a cooperative. Amazingly, a handful of our staff have worked at Alternative for more than 20 years each!
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- Favorite Children’s Book or Show The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Universal Basic Income
- What’s Your Sport? Ultimate frisbee
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Winter Olympics with full access
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Dancing, singing (70's and 80's music), and drinking with friends
- Historical Person You Admire Frida Kahlo
- Board Game You’re Good At Scattergories
- Favorite Dessert Tres leches cake from Sonora Bakery
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Redwall
- Board Game You’re Good At Scythe
- Favorite Dessert Strawberries
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 2013
- Historical Person You Admire Margaret Sanger
- What’s Your Sport? Is baking a sport....?
- Memorable Concert Pearl Jam at the Polo Fields in 1995
- Musical Instrument Cello/Screw Gun
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Out in the wilderness, hiking or backpacking, communing with nature!
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Getting kids and adults out in nature!
- Board Game You’re Good At Cards against Humanity
- What’s Your Sport? Backpacking
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Dragon Ball Z
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Housing for the homeless
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Japan
- Musical Instrument Piano
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Curious George
- Board Game You’re Good At Twister
- Fantasy Vacation Destination North Burma
- Memorable Concert Marley
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Fixing up my old house
- Historical Person You Admire Alexander Graham Bell
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 1999
- Memorable Concert Def Leppard / Iggy Pop and the Stooges
- Historical Person You Admire Melissa Cardoza
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Immigrant organizations that help DREAMERS
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Islas de Roatan, Honduras
- Favorite Dessert Cherry pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
- Board Game You’re Good At Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Palenque!
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 2016
- Memorable Concert Snoop Dog in Portugal
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Golfing
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Homelessness
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 1997
- Memorable Concert Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
- Historical Person You Admire Helen Keller
- What’s Your Sport? Distance running
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Reykjavik for the Blue Lagoon and buying yarn in grocery stores
- Memorable Concert David Bowie's Reality show at Berkeley Community Center
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show The Orchard Cat
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Climate change
- What’s Your Sport? Yoga
- Memorable Concert REM with Indigo Girls
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Outside anywhere
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Ferdinand The Bull
- Board Game You’re Good At Jenga
- Musical Instrument My drill or my circular saw do I have to choose??
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Passe-Partout, He-Man, Looney Tunes, TMNT
- Historical Person You Admire Albert Einstein
- What’s Your Sport? Hockey
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 2008
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Hiking
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Voting rights
- Memorable Concert Paul Simon
- Musical Instrument Saxophone
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Hiking
- Board Game You’re Good At Sequence
- Fantasy Vacation Destination 2 months in Europe
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 2017
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Reading, knitting, embroidering and killing dragons in video games
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Dune counts as a children's book, right?
- Board Game You’re Good At Dungeons and Dragons
- What’s Your Sport? Muay Thai and boxing
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Napping with my dogs
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Ender's Game
- Board Game You’re Good At Pandemic
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 2012
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? On a beach
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Animals that need help
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Ireland
- Favorite Dessert Cheesecake
- Historical Person You Admire Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Sail the Pacific in a schooner
- Memorable Concert Rolling Stones at Altamont - but not memorable in a good way!
- Musical Instrument Timbales!
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show Mr. Rogers (Yo-Yo Ma episode)
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… F*ck cancer
- What’s Your Sport? Competitive napping
- Fantasy Vacation Destination A world tour
- Favorite Children’s Book or Show The Giving Tree
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Children's healthcare
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Sail the Mediterranean
- Memorable Concert My first Grateful Dead show
- Historical Person You Admire Muhammad Ali
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Food and shelter for the homeless
- What’s Your Sport? Badminton
- Memorable Concert Farhad Darya
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Running and reading
- If You Had A Million Dollars To Give… Saving the planet
- What’s Your Sport? Running half marathons
- Musical Instrument Synthesizer
- How Would You Spend A Free Day? Relaxing
- Fantasy Vacation Destination Going to Japan to eat sushi and takoyaki and okonomiaki
- Year Started At Alternative Technologies 1995
- Musical Instrument Rock and roll guitar